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Friday, April 1, 2016

How to verify paypal using payoneer???


After following the process of acquiring a account in payoneer account from my previous post ... lets now verify our paypal account

1. Please do not use your existing paypal account..signup for a new paypal account and select your country as USA but use your own name and email ID ... But you should fake the address and phone no. of US ... for  valid addresses and phone no. you can visit Fake Name generator  ....use only address and other fake info but keep the name same as you have in your payoneer account..if you have relative in USA then you can keep their address and phone no. and inform them about this.... 

2.After completion of Signup go to your US paypal account and search where you can add/edit bank account ... i think it is under profile... click on add/edit bank account... now go to your payoneer account and under receive money go to US payment profile and there you will see the routing no. and your account no. copy those and paste them in the respective field of paypal where routing no. and account no is required. after that add the bank account...

3. paypal will tell you to select instant approval or something like that logging in to online account...  but do not press the next option where it is said that paypal will make  two small deposit to your account for will take 2-3days.

4.when paypal deposits that small payment to your payoneer account after 2-3days you will get email from payoneer that your account/card is loaded. go to your payoneer account and under "Account information" view payment history....there you will see  two small deposit made by paypal in your account... now go to your paypal account and enter those two small deposits amount in bank verification which is shown in right hand side of your paypal....remember enter the same amount...for example if u have $0.1 and $0.15 enter that amount in paypal....after entering the amount your paypal will be verified instantly.... :)

5. After some weeks your payoneer mastercard will also arrive and you can also link your card to the paypal account...... but i warn you not to link your card with  US paypal account  as you have already linked your bank account...instead link that card to your nepal account so that you can verify your nepal account also and do shopping and ship your product to Nepal.....and if you have nepal paypal already and you have money there,you can send the money to your US paypal and withdraw through payoneer .

Remember that payoneer charges about 30$ yearly for your mastercard and that amount will be deducted from your payoneer account once it is loaded with money...for example: if you withdraw 50$ from paypal to payoneer for 1st time you will only get 20$ as 30$ will be charged for your card...but dont worry this is only yearly charge which will not be charged again until next year and also when you load $100 in your payoneer account you will get one time bonus of $25 but you should sign up through the link i have provided in previous post....plz note that dont withdraw all the money from paypal as soon as possible....let the amount remain account for 2-3days and also leave 10-15%amount in your paypal balance because that will keep you in safer side as your account will not be reviewed....and as far as possible try to take out less amount like 50$ 100$ in a week that will also make it as if normal..... you can withdraw your payoneer accounts money from mastercard in Nepal or anywhere in the can withdraw from any of the ATM that supports Mastercard. But i suggest You to use Nabil bank as it lets you withdraw 35000rs in one transaction and charges about 4-5hundred rupees. but other bank only allows 10000rs withdraw and charges same amount like Nabil Bank... So better Use Nabil Bank... Remember that you cannot verify your mastercard with Paypal account if you dont have balance in Atleast keep $2-3 in your payoneer account before you try to verify the card as paypal charges small amout on your debit card while verifying which is afterwards again returned. This is done in order to verify that you are the true cardholder...they will send some pin no. in ur payoneer account which you should enter in paypal to verify your card... I dont know much about this because I have not linked my card to paypal... If i link my card i'll provide update... i think i made myself clear...plz read the note below is very important you follow it....

Note: PLZ do not open your US paypal account frequently...only use it when required because if you use frequently they may track ur IP address which is of Nepal and block your account or limit your account....and transfer your money immediately after 2-3 days to payoneer account from paypal account when you receive it in order to avoid problems... and lastly, i warn u and warn u very strictly that do not use your Nepal Paypal account and US paypal account from same IP address....You can use broadband internet like ADSL or other to login to US paypal account and use Your cellphones 3G connection to login to Nepal paypal account as this will be very safe....using both account from same IP can bann your IP and You may loose all of your Money in Paypal...follow all the indication properly and you will not face any problem...if you didn't follow the steps properly then your account can be limited and your money will be freezed for 6months so be careful... DID it helped?????